A Remanifestation

2017 … That’s when I last used this blog. It’s just a tad of a long time, isn’t it? Especially considering my intention was always “Oh, I’ll get around to it next week…”

Well, here I am again at last. So what’s brought me back? I haven’t been idle in the intervening time, and there’s so much that I need an outlet for. I have published more books than I can count in that six years, writing an incredible word count without cease. And as every author knows, when your new creation sees the light of day, you want nothing more than to talk about it. So you’ll find plenty here in the weeks and months to come about writing: both my own writings and the writing process itself. I guess I’m a really old hand at the whole business of writing books of many genres and styles and self-publishing them by now. And I know there are plenty of people navigating those waters who would like some advice from an old hand. How do you engage readers? What is your own writing style and how do you find it? How do you format your MS for publication anyway? Why is cover creation so difficult? how do I market this thing when it’s finally done? Welcome to the place you will find out.

I have had considerable success – and international acclaim – as a performing magician, specialising in storytelling and spookier themes. I have also had considerable experiences of the trials of the post-Covid world, with closures of venues, difficulties with getting hired in a time of evaporating budgets, and the headaches of going it alone. If you’re a performer of any description, you’ll find a sympathetic ear here and a place to discover how someone else tiptoes through the minefield.

I will shortly be offering esoteric courses, most specifically in divination and fortune-telling to begin with, and I’ll be talking about those here, a place where I can talk about them in more detail and let people know what they’re really all about.

And I will definitely be sharing things here that you absolutely will not find anywhere else. With a real sense of humility, I have begun to realise just how many decades of experience in all of these things I have, and just how valuable that is. I’ll share much of that here, as well as point to where you can get more on specific subjects.

You can also expect book reviews, film reviews, music reviews, and course reviews, because our own creativity is very much shaped by and beholden to the creative efforts of others who inspire us. The very least we can do is acknowledge and be thankful for that inspiration.

I want to keep this introductory post short, just to let people know this blog is up and running again and I have very big plans for us. I’ll be posting twice weekly, at weekends and mid-week. The weekend post will generally be sharing something I’ve done or am doing; the mid-week one will be more advice and inspiration oriented. Neither will ever be dull!

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